Awards and Honors

Evans appointed senior lecturer emeritus upon retirement

Richard Evans, the Robert N. Noyes Director of the Engineering Communications Program, has been appointed senior lecturer emeritus effective upon his retirement on June 30, 2023.

Research earns Holycross NSF CAREER Award

Megan Holycross, assistant professor (EAS), has received a National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) Award for her research into the origins of the Earth’s continental crust.

ORIE's Yu receives USAF grant

Christina Lee Yu, assistant professor (ORIE), received a grant from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research for her project "Efficiently Exploiting Structure for Causal Inference in the Presence of Network Interference."

Patrick Reed paper selected as finalist

Patrick Reed, the Joseph C. Ford Professor of Engineering (CEE), co-authored a paper, which was selected as the top contribution and finalist from Italy published in 2022 in the Frontiers Planet Prize competition, sponsored by the Frontiers Research Foundation.

Wiesner serves as Distinguished Lecturer

Uli Wiesner, Spencer T. Olin Professor of Engineering (MSE), was an Israel Pollack Distinguished Lecturer at The Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, where he gave a series of four lectures in early April.

Dshemuchadse receives the Faculty Champion Award

Julia Dshemuchadse, assistant professor (MSE), received the Faculty Champion Award-Junior Faculty at Cornell's 2023 Graduate Diversity & Inclusion Awards and Recognition Celebration on May 16.

Two of You's papers selected for front covers

Fengqi You, the Roxanne E. and Michael J. Zak Professor in Energy Systems Engineering (CBE, Systems), had a paper selected for the front cover of the May 1 issue of ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, and a second paper selected for the front cover of the April 2023 issue of Environmental Science & Technology.

Wiesner receives prestigious Overberger International Prize

Uli Wiesner, the Spencer T. Olin Professor of Engineering (MSE), has been named the recipient of the Charles G. Overberger International Prize for Excellence in Polymer Research. A half-day symposium will be held in his honor at the fall 2023 American Chemical Society National Meeting.

Avedisian elected to Fellows of the Combustion Institute

C. Thomas Avedisian, professor (MAE), was elected a member of the 2023 cohort of Fellows of the Combustion Institute “for pioneering experiments on droplet combustion that have informed detailed numerical modeling of combustion of liquid transportation fuels.”

Clarkson receives Tau Beta Pi teachng award

Michael Clarkson, senior lecturer (CS), received the 2023 Tau Beta Pi Professor of the Year Award given each year by the Cornell Engineering Alumni Association to recognize exemplary teaching and commitment to students.