Awards and Honors

MAE's Savransky named senior member of AIAA

Dmitry Savransky, associate professor (MAE), has been named a senior member of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Senior member status is awarded to those who have demonstrated and developed a successful professional practice in the arts, sciences or technology of aeronautics or astronautics.

Guidi receives young investigator award

Giulia Guidi, assistant professor (CS), received the 2023 Young Investigator Mario Gerla Award for Research in Computer Science from the Italian Scientists and Scholars in North America Foundation. Guidi received the award at the foundation's annual conference on November 8.

Faculty tenure appointments

The Board of Trustees elected the following professors to appointment with indefinite tenure:

  • Francesco Monticone, assistant professor (ECE), was elected associate professor with indefinite tenure.
  • Kirstin Petersen, assistant professor (ECE), was elected associate professor with indefinite tenure.
  • Samitha Samaranayake, assistant professor (CEE), was elected associate professor with indefinite tenure.
  • Jae-Sun Seo, associate professor (ECE), was elected associate professor with indefinite tenure.

Geological Society of America honors Suzanne Kay with highest honor

Suzanne Mahlburg Kay, the William & Katherine Snee Professor of Geological Sciences Emeritus (EAS), received the Penrose Medal from the Geological Society of America, its highest honor. Kay was recognized for "eminent and impactful scientific contributions throughout her career, with breakthrough research on the fundamental tectonic processes responsible for crustal and mantle genesis along convergent margins.”

AEP's Muller received two prestigious awards

David A. Muller, the Samuel B. Eckert Professor of Engineering (AEP), has been honored with two prestigious awards for his achievements in microscopy: the 2023 John M. Cowley Medal from the International Federation of Societies for Microscopy and the 2024 Joseph F. Keithley Award for Advances in Measurement Science from the American Physical Society.

Casler-Gonçalves named chapter advisor of the year

Chris Casler-Gonçalves, assistant director (DPE), was named 2023 American Indian Science and Engineering Society Region 6 (Northeast) Chapter Advisor of the Year.

Muñoz‐Saez receives Early Geological Career Award

Carolina Muñoz‐Saez, incoming assistant professor (EAS), was awarded the Geological Society of America's Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, & Volcanology Division Early Geological Career Award, given to early-career individuals who have made distinguished contributions in mineralogy, geochemistry, petrology, and/or volcanology, with emphasis on multidisciplinary, field-based contributions.

CS' Bracy named ACM senior member

Anne Bracy, senior lecturer (CS), has been named a Senior Member of the Association for Computing Machinery, a recognition given to ACM members with at least 10 years of professional experience and have demonstrated performance through technical leadership and professional contributions.

Nathans-Kelly awarded IEEE Goldsmith Award

Traci Nathans-Kelly, director of the Engineering Communications Program, has been awarded the 2023 IEEE ProComm Alfred N. Goldsmith Award for Outstanding Achievement in Engineering Communication. Nominated by colleagues in IEEE, this award acknowledges distinction in the field of engineering communication as evidenced by a significant reputation in a field associated with engineering communication.

ORIE's Lodi named an INFORMS Fellow

Andrea Lodi, the Andrew H. and Ann R. Tisch Professor (ORIE, Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute), has been named an INFORMS Fellow Class of 2023. Lodi was selected for theoretical and computational contributions in discrete optimization, especially powerful primal heuristic methods to quickly find high-quality feasible solutions and breakthroughs in exploiting the dual side of integer programming.