Awards and Honors

CS' Guidi receives SIAM Early Career Prize

Giulia Guidi, assistant professor (CS), has received the 2024 SIAM Activity Group on Supercomputing Early Career Prize. Guidi was awarded for her pioneering works bridging high-performance computing and computational biology. The prize will be awarded at the 2024 SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (PP24) to be held in Baltimore, MD, in March.

ECE's Mehta receives NSF Early CAREER award

Karan Mehta, assistant professor (ECE), recently received an NSF Early Career Development Award from the Division of Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems (ECCS). The award supports his research proposal, “Fast coherent and incoherent control of atomic ions in scalable platforms” for a five-year period from 2024 through 2029.

Jena elevated to IEEE Fellow

Debdeep Jena, David E. Burr Professor of Engineering  (ECE), will be elevated to IEEE Fellow effective Jan 1, 2024. Jena was elevated for his “contributions to distributed polarization doping in the III-V semiconductor family.” IEEE Fellow is one of the highest honors in IEEE and is conferred to less than 0.1% of voting members of IEEE annually. 

Bonassar receives 2024 Marshall Urist Award

Larry Bonassar, Daljit S. and Elaine Sarkaria Professor in Biomedical Engineering (MAE, BME) , has been awarded the 2024 Marshall Urist Award from the Orthopaedic Research Society. The Marshall Urist award honors an investigator in tissue regeneration research who has a sustained ongoing body of focused research in the area of tissue regeneration as it relates to the musculoskeletal system.  Larry will receive the award at the February meeting of the ORS.

Shepherd research group wins Phase I prize

A team from the Organic Robotics Lab won $15,000 in Phase I of the Innovating Distributed Embedded Energy Prize, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Water Power Technologies Office. The team consisted of Anastasia Koivikko, visiting scholar (MAE); Khoi Ly, postdoctoral fellow (MAE); Ofek Peretz, postdoctoral fellow (MAE); Rob Shepherd, associate professor (MAE); and Maha Haji, assistant professor (MAE).

ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering features Fengqi You paper

Fengqi You, the Roxanne E. and Michael J. Zak Professor in Energy Systems Engineering (CBE, Systems), had his paper “From Mining to Mitigation: How Bitcoin Can Support Renewable Energy Development and Climate Action” featured on the cover of ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering.

Afridi receives first-place paper award

Khurram Afridi, associate professor (ECE), received the First-Place Prize Paper Award from the IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics for his paper "High-Performance Multi-MHz Capacitive Wireless Power Transfer System for EV Charging Utilizing Interleaved-Foil Coupled Inductors."

ScholarGPS recognizes Cornell Engineering faculty

ScholarGPS has recognized 17 Cornell Engineering active or emeritus faculty as Highly Ranked Scholars - Lifetime. Highly Ranked Scholars are the most productive (number of publications) authors whose works are of profound impact (citations) and of utmost quality (h-index).

Those recognized for lifetime activity are Stephen Pope, professor emeritus (MAE); Jon Kleinberg, professor (CS); Joseph Halpern, professor (CS); Deborah Estrin, professor (CS); Emmanuel Giannelis, Walter R. Read Professor of Engineering (MSE); Ari Juels, professor (CS); Wilfried Brutsaert, William L. Lewis Professor in Engineering Emeritus (CEE); Lynden Archer, Joseph Silbert Dean of Engineering and James A. Friend Family Distinguished Professor in Engineering (CBE); Dexter Kozen, professor (CS); Sidney Resnick, Lee Teng-Hui Professor in Engineering Emeritus (ORIE); Christopher Ober, Francis Norwood Bard Professor of Metallurgical Engineering (MSE); John Hopcroft, professor emeritus (CS); Chas Williamson, Willis H. Carrier Professor of Engineering Emeritus (MAE); Éva Tardos, Jacob Gould Schurman Professor of Computer Science (CS); Mircea Dan Grigoriu, professor (CEE); Fred Schneider, Samuel B. Eckert Professor of Computer Science (CS, Systems); Darrell Schlom, Tisch University Professor (MSE).

Additionally, Fengqi You, Roxanne E. and Michael J. Zak Professor in Energy Systems Engineering (CBE, Systems), Bharath Hariharan, associate professor (CS), and Lynden Archer were recognized as Highly Ranked Scholars - Prior 5 Years.

Shoemaker receives lifetime achievement medal

Christine Shoemaker, the Joseph P. Ripley Professor of Engineering Emerita (CEE), has received the 2023 Harold Hotelling Medal for Lifetime Achievement from the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences for her research developing optimization algorithms, modeling and statistical analysis to address a wide range of environmental problems. She also received the International Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Activity Group on Geosciences Career Prize.

Moridi awarded early career honor

Atieh Moridi, assistant professor (MAE), was awarded the 2024 Minerals, Metals and Materials Society Early Career Award. The award recognizes assistant professors for accomplishments that have advanced their academic institution and for abilities to broaden the technological profile of of the society.