
Cornell Engineering likes to feature our new faculty, our incredible students, staff, alumni and teams who do amazing work everyday. 

Ricardo Daziano ( 2011 )

Ricardo Daziano would be the first to admit he fits the stereotype of the “artistic Italian” to some degree—he speaks multiple languages, enjoys oil painting—particularly in the style of the Italian... Read more

Ankur Singh ( 2013 )

Ankur Singh manipulates synthetic materials and living cells to improve human health. He traces his motivation to his experiences discussing problems with patients as a biomedical engineering student... Read more

Robert Shepherd ( 2013 )

Robert Shepherd has been around the world and back—born in Hawaii, spent ten years in Scotland (with relatives that work at the Macallan distillery), and a couple more in Italy. But, when his father... Read more

Florentina Bunea ( 2011 )

Florentina Bunea wants to understand uncertainty.This philosophical curiosity is what brought her to her current field of work in statistics, unlike her more prosaic peers. “You typically arrive at... Read more

Abena Sackey Ojetayo

It's an engineer's dream: design Cornell Tech's campus in New York City with a green infrastructure that is a model of sustainability. Happily, it is Abena Sackey Ojetayo's current focus. With... Read more

Pierre Patie ( 2013 )

To Pierre Patie, an associate professor in the School of Operations Research and Information Engineering, quantitative research is all about the puzzles. Patie is a financial engineer and a risk... Read more

Olivier Desjardins ( 2011 )

Understanding the physics of complex, turbulent multiphase flows fascinates Olivier Desjardins. His research helps improve both traditional fuel-engine systems as well as newer biofuel combustion... Read more

David Matteson ( 2011 )

Multivariate statistics involves the observation and analysis of many types of data at the same time, and how they relate to each other—a field that has fascinated David Matteson since he was young... Read more