
Cornell Engineering likes to feature our new faculty, our incredible students, staff, alumni and teams who do amazing work everyday. 

CBE Professor Nicholas Abbott

Welcome Nicholas Abbott ( 2018 )

When Nicholas Abbott was finishing up his undergraduate chemical engineering degree at Adelaide University in Australia, he knew he wanted to go abroad for his graduate studies. “At that time,” says... Read more

MAE professor Zhiting Tian

Welcome Zhiting Tian ( 2018 )

Zhiting Tian has joined the faculty of Cornell’s Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering as the Eugene A. Leinroth Sesquicentennial Faculty Fellow. Tian specializes in nanoscale thermal... Read more

Austin Benson has joined the faculty at Cornell’s Computer Science Department in July 2018 as an assistant professor

Welcome Austin Benson

It wasn’t until Austin Benson was earning his Ph.D. in computational and mathematical engineering at Stanford University that he fully realized the power of mathematics to affect the world. “When I... Read more

Rene Kizilcec has joined the faculty of the Information Science Department at Cornell

Welcome Rene Kizilcec ( 2018 )

While Rene Kizilcec was earning his undergraduate degree in philosophy and economics from University College London (UCL) he made a living creating websites for e-commerce customers. “The more sites I... Read more

Computer Science professor Eshan Chattopadhyay

Welcome Eshan Chattopadhyay ( 2018 )

Eshan Chattopadhyay joined the faculty of Cornell’s Computer Science Department in July 2018. Chattopadhyay received his undergraduate Bachelor of Technology degree in Computer Science from the Indian... Read more

Looking to nature for robot inspiration

The guiding principle of Kirstin Petersen’s Collective Embodied Intelligence Lab at Cornell Engineering is finding ways to create and deploy many simple robots that can accomplish more than one... Read more