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Crowds watch ECE students compete at Robotics Day

ECE robotics teams thrill crowds at annual event

More than 100 engineering students let off some end-of-semester steam and tried not to blow any gaskets at the annual Robotics Day competition Dec. 10 in Duffield Hall atrium. The day kicked off with the “Robotic Maze Runners” morning competition. Each round featured four robots equipped with sensors and navigation algorithms that were placed in a 9-by-9-foot  maze. Over the course of six minutes, the robots attempted to map the maze by following a grid of white lines while avoiding walls and other robots. The information each robot recorded was then transmitted wirelessly to a base station... Read more

Cornell Professor Speaks to Wall Street’s Need to Train and Retain Diverse Technical Talent

By: Roselle Bajet

On Friday, December 6, Cornell University Professor Marcos Lopez de Prado testified to the U.S. House Committee on Financial Services about the Impact of AI on Capital Markets and Jobs in the Financial Services Industry. His message was clear—retrain existing talent because technical expertise is becoming more important for the financial industry. Current and future generations of financial professionals should be “trained to work alongside algorithms.” Professor Lopez de Prado emphasized that technical education has the potential to be a powerful tool against discrimination and that the... Read more

Two computer science faculty named ACM fellows

Kavita Bala, professor and chair of computer science, and Claire Cardie, professor of computer science and of information science, have been named 2019 fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery. Read more

ECE faculty members receive Research Excellence Awards

Since 2015, the awards have recognized the importance of leadership in innovative research in the categories of assistant, associate, and full professors. The 2020 recipients included two ECE faculty members: Assistant Professor Mert Sabuncu and David E. Burr Professor of Engineering Debdeep Jena (nominated as an MSE faculty member). Mert directs a research program that is situated at the intersection of image processing and machine learning, with an application focus in healthcare and neuroscience. He is a recipient of the NSF CAREER Award (2018) and the NIH Early Career Development Award... Read more