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Entrance of Phillips Hall

Twenty Years of ECE

The 1999 Electrical Engineering Advisory Committee agreed with those faculty who suggested the name change in order to attract students who might be unaware that EE was active in the computer field. After some discussion, the faculty voted overwhelmingly in favor. The associate director at the time, Paul Kintner, summarized the rationale in the Spring 2000 issue of Connections: “We live in an age when electrical and computer engineering is primarily characterized by change and innovation. Rapid evolution in materials, devices, communications, information systems and the impact of these... Read more

saharan dust storm

What are the health impacts of the Sahara dust storm?

By: Gabrielle FonrougeJune

What are the health implications of the Saharan dust storm moving across the U.S.? In the New York Post, Professor Max Zhang warns that during the voyage over, particles pick up pollutants, making the dust more toxic to those breathing it in. Concentration and dust size are also important factors. Read more

Multi-point RF system for near-field coherent sensing (NCS)

New paper demonstrates effectiveness of measuring full blood pressures without an arm cuff

Professor Edwin Kan, along with Xiaonan Hui and Thomas Conroy, both Ph.D. students in Kan’s research group, are the authors of the paper titled “ Multi-Point Near-Field RF Sensing of Blood Pressures and Heartbeat Dynamics.” “Blood pressures measured by an arm or wrist will give you ‘brachial pressures’ instead of the central pressure,” Kan explained. “Brachial pressures can be similar if the cuff is maintained at the height of the heart, but it is an indirect measurement together with the arm condition.” Cuff-based measurements provide an estimate of an average blood pressure over a number of... Read more